About Me

Hi guys,

As you may wonder, my real name is not Truong Tong. I just decided to use this nickname and I really really don’t know why 😀

It took my attention few time ago and since then I decided to go with it.

Who is the genius behind all of this?

So here we are. I am Andrea, nice to meet you. I work as a Software Engineer for almost ten years now. I am hugely passionate about technology.

I buy all the time new products and I always go through every possible source to find what are their pros and cons. Of course I love also software development stuff.

In the IT Corner section you can find some articles that I wrote as “tips” for people that are facing some of the issues that I already faced in my daily job.

Please feel free to contact me clicking here.

I hope your enjoy the site. Don’t feel shy and let me know your opinion!

P.S. this website is a participant in the Amazon Affiliate program, in some posts you may find some links to amazon products. If you don’t mind please follow these links when you buy on amazon.com